Another One on Religion

Regina Cano

HAVANA TIMES, Dec 6 — One’s connection with God shows many ways of existence.

Since that period when Cuba ran into “La Desgracia” (the hard times of the 90’s), I’ve heard and seen how people grouped around different faiths in Havana, and possibly throughout all of Cuba.

It seems as if that entity, one with many different names, allows the achieving of peace of mind and changes behavior in all those who gather around it to pray and seek well-being for them and their loved ones.

These groups of people support each other morally and spiritually in making their lives better.

On the one hand, they speak of love for the Lord, domestic and world peace, and positive thinking. Yet on the other hand, unfortunately, many of them betray and curse others, wish death on certain people or are silent accomplices in evil acts against others.

They are unable to escape the fact that we are all on the edge of chaos, which here is almost living on the edge of the unknown.

They return to seeking the protection of God, the creator, the magnanimous and the just, to end all hardships. They unite in their partial denial of a reality that assaults and with the act of always looking toward the opposite side to save themselves.

These are not new beliefs. They are structures of the imagination and culture that people hid up until now, as well as through a period of exclusion and crisis within the transformations of social values and the choices between which of the gods best meets their prayers.

For others, each person must adopt one sole God as the best guide of their fate.

Among superstitions and hopes, they live with silent yearning that there will always be a solution. Though also fearful of everything, but are trusting in their God.

God helps those who help themselves.