Why Havana Times Needs Your Support

By Circles Robinson, editor

HAVANA TIMES – Dear Readers, incredibly Havana Times will arrive at its tenth anniversary in October of this year, bringing you non-stop news and commentary from Cuba, as well as some other Latin American coverage especially from Venezuela and Nicaragua, close allies of the Cuban government.

After being a self-financed publication for all these years, Havana Times now needs reader support to keep going.

On the following link are two short videos https://mediaoutreach.org/havana-times-donate/ one of our contributors helped put together that will give you a feel for our journalistic efforts and challenges. Please take a few minutes to watch them.

4 thoughts on “Why Havana Times Needs Your Support

  • On behalf of all the people involved, thanks for your kind words.

  • Thank you for your commitment in making Havana Times a reality! Thank you to all writers & support staff for providing readers like myself valuable information, interesting insight and respectful debates. With merit to your goals, may financial support campaign reach beyond the height of expectations!

  • No, from the start we have had no interest in looking for support from anything to do with the US government or Congress and their interventionist foreign policy.

  • Have you tried the NED ? They probably like your message.

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