Diary on Strike

Dmitri Prieto

HAVANA TIMES, May 1 — In solidarity with the anti-capitalist Occupy Wall Street movement that tries to recover this international day of workers struggles for the United States, I declare myself on strike for May Day.

Glory to the Martyrs of Chicago!

Fellow workers, lets demand power!


3 thoughts on “Diary on Strike

  • “The only solution is world revolution” says the OWS site. Here’s a serious case of DENIAL in affirming they are NOT anti-capitalist.

  • Dmitri, I hope you enjoyed your “day off”. The OWS movement is not anti-capitalist. It IS anti-injustice, anti-corruption, and anti-(anti-democratic). But better said, it is a positive movement that is working to “making technologies, knowledge, and culture open to all to freely access, create, modify, and distribute.” From a Cuban perspective, this may seem anti-capitalistic but the organizers all over the country are careful to emphasize this is not the case. Were it so, it would not have lasted this long. To be sure, there are anti-capitalist sympathizers among its supporters but by and large the 99% who support this movement love their country and our democracy. They simply want to improve it and ensure that it is available for everyone. I hope this doesn’t bust your bubble. Check out the official Occupy Wall Street website to confirm at http://occupywallst.org.

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