Brazil Drops Plan for 6,000 Cuban MDs

Cuban doctors working in Venezuela. Photo: Caridad

HAVANA TIMES — The Brazilian government confirmed on Monday its decision to not carry through with its announced plan to contract a large medical contingent from Cuba and will instead contract professionals on an individual basis, informed Reuters.

“We never reached an accord with Cuba. Now the priority is Spain and Portugal,” said the Brazilian Health Ministry, which added that Cuban doctors can apply for the work, but on an individual basis and from Spain or Portugal.

This past May the Brazilian government announced it was holding talks with Cuba on the hiring of 6,000 Cuban doctors to work in remote areas of the South American country where health care is deficient.  The plan generated protests from Brazilian doctors who questioned the quality of the training of the Cubans.

Havana Times consulted with doctors planning to go to Brazil under the supposed government to government program who said they were continuing preparations for the trip, announced unofficially for August and September.

If true, the news would be a setback for the Cuban government, which has among its top revenue earners the export of medical services, where the majority of the money received under the contracts stays with the government.

4 thoughts on “Brazil Drops Plan for 6,000 Cuban MDs

  • Dilma is doing what she is being told.
    She is always trying to give money to Cuba, God knows why.

    Brazil will not accept doctors from Cuba. Cuban doctors have gained a bad reputation in Brazil after reports of Brazilian doctors visiting Cuba.

    Brazil will definitely accept doctors from Europe but not from any Latin American country.

    Sorry Dilma, now that you saved that money give it back to the people. Fix all the mess you have done so far.

  • There has been lots of discussion in Brazil over the quality of Cuban medical studies lately. Most of the reports show them as under par with some going so far as saying that their knowledge is equal to that of a Spanish nurse…
    Go figure…

  • The Cuban government was hoping to use the overpriced forced labour of these “doctors” to pay for the Brazilian investment in the Mariel port development. Now where will they come up with the funds to pay Brazil?

  • I note that Brazil still is prepared to accept Cuban doctors on an individual basis. A number of Cuban doctors that “deserted” previous “missions” and married Brazilian women have been allowed to stay in Brazil and – after adequate licensing – to practice. This may become a way out for Cuban doctors currently based in Venezuela.

    “Cuban doctors can apply, he said, but ads offering doctors work in Brazil will be posted in Spain and Portugal, not in Cuba. The doctors will be paid 10,000 reais ($4,400) a month.”
    “Brazil now looking for Portuguese, Spanish doctors, not Cubans”

    I think – if they would be free to take up jobs in Brazil – lots of Cuban doctors would be interested in moving to Brazil with their families and take up a job that pays 4,400 $ a month.

    But then: Cuban doctors aren’t allowed to travel freely and certainly not to emigrate with their families regardless of the years of service they have. They are Castro’s “serfs” as Yoani Sanchez described them.

    People without rights that are used in schemes of indentured labor and political propaganda.

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